Multiple Sclerosis Limited is the go-to provider of information, advice and support for people affected by multiple sclerosis.
We’re a combined entity of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania with over 60 years' insight into how to live well with progressive neurological conditions.
Multiple Sclerosis Limited (MSL) offers vital support and services for people living with multiple sclerosis while the search for a cure continues.
We are here so no one has to face MS alone.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and often debilitating disease which attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves). The term multiple sclerosis means ‘many scars’ and depending on where those scars (lesions) develop, they result in various symptoms.
It is the most common neurological disease in young adults and often attacks people at the time of their lives when they are planning families and building a career. The average age of diagnosis is between 20 and 40 years of age, although symptoms may begin much earlier, and three out of four people living with multiple sclerosis are women.
No two cases of multiple sclerosis are identical and the severity and progression of the condition cannot be predicted.
Multiple sclerosis attacks the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves)
Symptoms of multiple sclerosis include extreme fatigue, blurred vision and balance issues
Multiple sclerosis is a lifelong disease for which there is no known cure...yet
1 in 3 Australians will be directly impacted through a diagnosed family member, friend or colleague
I’ve been fighting MS for 26 years. This year’s 40th Gong Ride will be the 16th time I’ve been involved in this challenge. It really helps me cope with my MS, knowing that this huge cycling community is riding to support people like me. Thank YOU!
Stephen "Papo" Papadopoulos
MS Gong Ride Ambassador

The development of three state-of-the-art MS Wellbeing Centres in NSW and VIC, offering a comprehensive range of services providing a complete wellbeing service model.
Providing funding to bring new treatments closer to reality, investing in repairing myelin damage, to restore function that has been lost for people with progressive forms of the disease.
connections were made with the MS community through MS Connect
people sought advice from the MS Nurse Advisor and Social Work Advisor Service
people registered for an MS educational webinar
people participated in an MS-led Peer Support Program
“The information and support we received through MS Connect was absolutely invaluable, and we couldn’t be more thankful.”
Mr & Mrs Smith, parents of April, diagnosed 2017
“I can’t explain how much this has changed my life. I have my confidence back and a sense of control. I can hang out with my friends again.”
Jackie, 36, living with MS.
“Attending the MS Gym on a regular basis has allowed me to meet others in a similar position to myself and to discuss helpful aspects of this disease, while having a laugh. While attending the MS Gym I am assured that I am able to use the correct equipment and receive advice suitable to my needs.”
Gai, diagnosed 1999.
“It was really good to get some detail and clarify about the subject from an expert.”
Terri, diagnosed in October 2014.