Taking part in the Gong ride as a workplace is a great way to encourage team building, promote health & wellbeing amongst staff, raise corporate visibility within the community and build close connections with clients and supporters!
Ask your colleagues, clients and suppliers to ride with you to fight MS and help people living with multiple sclerosis get the vital support they need to meet their goals and live well.
Creating a team is easy! Teams can be as big or as small as you like, as long as you are all riding and raising money for people with MS!
The best part? You'll be able to celebrate together after you cross the finish line on event day!
A Workplace Team is a great way to:
Offer a great bonding experience with work colleagues
Promote health and wellbeing amongst employees
Raise corporate visibility and brand exposure
Build close connections with clients and suppliers
Make a real difference in the fight against multiple sclerosis

Your employer may cover the cost of a branded Custom Team Kit, or purchase an official event jersey or t-shirt for each team member.

Kick back, relax, enjoy some food and a drink in your very own Team Marquee, whilst networking with other key corporates and cyclists.
Many workplaces have a Matched Giving program, where every dollar raised by your team is matched by your employer.
Your employer may cover the cost of a branded Custom Team Kit, or you could sell sponsorship space to clients and suppliers.

Some of the most dedicated community teams are formed when friends and family members come together to support someone they know who is living with multiple sclerosis.
Other teams are made up of members of sporting or social groups who want to work together for a good cause.
All you need to be part of a team, is yourself and one other person!
You can create a team with anyone for any reason, it's completely up to you.