25 JULY 2023
This legendary 15 year old took on the MS Gong Ride last year and raised an epic $4,045 just by sharing his page on social media and word of mouth.

Harrison says, “My favourite part of the ride is the community coming together because MS holds a special place in my heart. My dad was diagnosed with MS 21 years ago. I've seen him battle and it really motivated me.”
He also loves the beautiful scenery along the course.
Dad said he was very proud of me and it meant a lot to him to educate people about MS.
“I was lucky to have supportive family and friends. I mentioned it on my social media platforms and everyone was happy to donate for a good cause.”
Harrison has a message for all the riders taking part this year.
“Push through it. Remember how those that have MS push through daily and use it as a motivation. Battle through the hills like they battle every day.”